The Samaritans festival branch attends a range of UK festivals each summer, offering emotional support to attendees and staff, 24 hours a day. From June to September 2016, the charity attended 13 events including T in the Park, Reading, Leeds and Download.
In order to raise awareness of the charity’s prominence at each festival, and by way of demonstrating our commitment to supporting charitable causes, we offered our public relations and social media services, ex gratia.
• Raise awareness of the Samaritans festival branch to festival attendees by targeting local media
• Increase engagement from festival-goers
•Develop a presence on social media
• Direct a greater number of people, who may need support, towards the Samaritans festival branch
• Write and circulate press releases targeted at the local print, radio and television media for each event
• Schedule tweets and frequently engage with other Samaritans branches on Twitter
• Build relationships with the festivals in order to promote the Samaritans festival branch on the event’s website and social media channels
• Editorial coverage secured in all targeted local and regional media
• Local radio interviews secured for Samaritans festival branch staff members
• Over 20,000 twitter impressions generated throughout the festival season
• Increased visitors to the Samaritans festival branch at events throughout the summer
The Samaritans are known worldwide as a leading support charity. The festival branch offers a non-judgemental, fully confidential, face-to-face listening service for all visitors to every event, no matter how serious or how trivial the matter may seem.
We were delighted Shrewdd offered its services free of charge for the duration of the festival season. The company supported us every step of the way and secured media coverage across a wide range of local and regional media platforms.
We would like to thank the Shrewdd team and we look forward to working with them in the future.
Ruby Baker
Marketing Manager at the Samaritans Festival Branch