Five Years at Shrewdd

As I enter my fifth year at Shrewdd, it’s great to look back and reflect on some of the exciting things I’ve been involved in.

On joining the team, I was warmly welcomed and began supporting large international clients, not to mention local clients on a diverse range of design projects.

In my first month, I had already worked on a product catalogue for an internationally renowned lighting company, created animations for use on social media platforms, and developed engaging graphics for a range of clients and applications across different sectors.

Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, during the next couple of years we remained steadfast. As a team, we used the time to broaden our skillsets, focus on the future, and successfully transitioned into a post-COVID world with our loyal clients.

Since the pandemic, as well as numerous traditional design items, I have worked on many exciting digital projects, including interactive documents for internationally recognised consumer brands, such as Heineken, videos for UK and international music festivals and engaging social media graphics, infographics and animations, for various clients across diverse sectors. 

I thoroughly enjoy my role, as each project brings unique excitement and challenges. Who could have imagined that I would get to work on developing such diverse and exciting projects in my hometown of Halifax? It’s been a truly fulfilling experience.

Looking back to the days when I spent my evenings designing a Myspace profile, I didn’t realise it then, but the pipeline led me to where I am today.

Under the same management since 2003, whilst our expertise at developing marketing strategies, PR campaigns and digital content is widely recognised, we have perhaps been a little ‘shy’ at coming forward about our design credentials… until now that is.

If you require design support with any of your marketing collateral including developing engaging design content for social media platforms please get in touch:

01422 363 424